Monday, June 28, 2010

Fresh Shadow and rock in the backyard !!!!

It was 1975, we 'd had Medici, AI 5, dictatorship and the things looked like getting better.
We had watched '' Love Story'' and Butch Cassidy and The Godfather 1 and we were seeing ''The way we were'' and ''Kung Fu'' and our sitcom '' A grande Familia ''. We listened to thr Beatles, Pink Floyd had just released ''The Dark Side of the Moon''; Stairway to Heaven and Led Zeppelin filled our minds, '' Sunshine of my shoulders by John Denver, It's too late by Carole King and Cat Stevens( he hadn't become Yusuf Islam yet) played on AM radio and we liked Jorge Ben with Taj Mahal. ''A cor do Som'','' O terco"" and ''14 ""bis and Raulzito playing ''Ouro de Tolo'' was amazing as Rita Lee with ''Ovelha Negra and we had protest songs like ''O amor e meu pais"" by Ivan Lins,'' Calice'' by Chico and Caetano, Gal, Maria Bethania and Gil made us extremely thrilled. We wore'' boca-de-sino'' pantaloons and ''plataformas"", a lot of croches,' cacharel 'and' japona 'and sandals of sole tire and' Havaianas' and shells and micangas. Our perfume was' Patchouli' and we had been watching 'Fantastico 'since August 5,1973.
There was a group of friends who had created a new band in a little town- Pelotas. They played a rural pop rock , with acoustic guitars,violins and voices,easy lyrics and the wished Kledir . Crowded theatres and when they started playing ''Quero sentir o sol.....", our world blew,we danced on the chairs,we shouted and we sang the whole songs which were a mixing of traditionalist songs such as Lupicinio,Teixeirinha with rock.
It was ''Os Almondegas ", a regional pop band (new to those times) and they were formed by Kleiton, Kledir, Kiko Castro Neves, Peri Sousa and Gilnei. They released 4 LPs ( the first LP in 1975),their greatest singles were Vento Negro, Sombra Fresca e Rock no quintal, Daisy my love and unfortunately thet split up in December 1978.

Lucia Diehl

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