Tuesday, May 4, 2010


            Anakin Skywalker finally became a recognized jedi knight whom everybody believes will bring the balance to the force. Also, he found a deal between his job and his secret relationship with Amdala, the senador of Naboo. At the same time his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, was accepted to join the jedi concil, a high position for jedis.
            The situation of the republic is critical, and the clone war is still rushing. The jedis’aim is to find general Grevious and Count Dooku, the known leaders of the Federation, and finish the battle. On the other hand, nobody could suspect that the real enemy was inside the republic, the supreme chanceler Palpatine.
            He was conspirating against the Jedis and taking slowly the control of the galaxy.  Palpatine needs an extra help to make his plan work, so he begins to persuade Skywalker to join the dark side of the force using the Skywalker’s weakness and ambitions. After bring the young Jedi to him, Palpatine starts a Jedi’s carnage, killing everyone as he can and having his revenge.
            In the end of the movie Skywalker, blinded from the dark side, loses his love and fights with his best friend and master Obi-Wan Kenobi until almost the death. After the battle he got serious damages in his body, making him half human and half machine.
            Palpatine got his goals, but he couldn’t figure out that Skywalker had two twin children, that carry the Skalwalker’s skills, and they would save the galaxy from the dark side.          

Rafael Fontoura Quadros
Express Plus 1

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