Monday, April 19, 2010

The fabulous destiny of Amelie Poulain

This is a French movie that tells a story about a girl that worries a lot about helping people and changing their lives for better, doing things that make them realize about what is important to be happy. Unfortunately, by doing this, she forgets about herself, becoming a closed girl, but also very sensitive towards simple things of life. In the end, she realized she never had a true luve.

Maria Alice Godoy Oliveira
Express Plus 1
Teacher Hell

1 comment:

  1. I remember watching this film when it was released in Brazil - I guess it was around 2001. I was filled with joy when leaving the cinema - the movie really IS beautiful and moving. A fantastic plot, with fabulous actors and scenes: it is a must-see!!! On the one hand, people still have some prejudice against non-Hollywoodian movies. On the other, there are more and more people opening their minds to accept "different" art concepts. It is not a popcorn movie - for the ones who would be expecting something like that. However, I'm sure you'll fall in love with the story if you are prepared to explore new horizons. Do not miss such opportunity!
