I still remember as if it were yesterday: I had just arrived at the cinema and was waiting for some movie to begin. It was 2007 and I was still living in the remote country of Ireland. Do not ask me which movie it was, my memory cannot recall that. Suddenly, the previews started. There was this guy - extremely cute, btw - sitting on the sand singing "Girl", from the British band "The Beatles". I just looked at my friend who was there with me and I guess we both had the same thought: "What movie is this?" As the preview went on, we realized it was a kind of a psychedelic musical using The Beatles' songs to tell a beautiful hippie-peace-and-love story. We were thrilled.
I watched "Across the Universe" in September, in that very same year. I do not even have to tell you that I've just LOVED this movie, even though I'm not really into musicals.
Whether your're a Beatlemaniac or not, I'm sure you'll enjoy this picture. It is about the 60's, there's lot of History in it and interesting facts going on there. And, most important of all, there's a Beatle song for each and every moment. :D
Listen to the soundtrack, watch the movie. Do not miss this opportunity.
I'm pretty sure you'll fall in love with the story, the characters and, if you're into good-looking British guys, you'll definitely wish you could get to know the actor Jim Sturgess personally... Oh, well...
Here's the preview
I've loved James Paul McCartney since the first time I saw him singing "Twist and Shout",but I like a lot " Paul McCartney and Wings",especially Band on the run!!!
Lucia Diehl